Come Join Us

Dunclug volunteers community cleanup


By volunteering, you can;
  • Support Your Community / be part of something bigger than yourself!
  • Being an active member of the community will give you tremendous psychological benefits. Involvement will help you feel a part of something bigger – feeling a part of a real team, and by leaving your mark to help make a better world you will feel like a superhero. We are social beings and all we want is to be happy, so getting involved is a great first step.
  • Gain confidence & build self-esteem.
  • Through volunteering, you can gain confidence and build on your self-esteem by learning new skills and meeting new people.
  • Learn new skills.
  • What better way to learn a new skill than by helping out in your local community. You can learn not only new skills, but you can gain experience as well, and possibly even achieve a few qualifications. Volunteering is a great thing to be able to put on your CV when you are job hunting!  Prospective employers love to see you are active, even during periods of unemployment or when you are busy being a housewife or house husband.
  • Meet new people.
  • We live in a very diverse world, with different people coming from all walks of life. By volunteering, you can meet lots of others who could turn out to be lifelong friends.
  • Have fun!

ring community

Join us, your input is important:

  • what programmes you think would be useful to an area
  • what funding will help
  • how many people would benefit in your community
  • the long term positive impact that programme can have
  • the change that you see in neighbourliness and community spirit
NONE of the above is possible without people!

People who care, people who want to give back, people that challenge us to do better, people who work in partnership to make things happen.

Who are these people –

they are mums and dads, grannies and grandads, they are brothers and sisters, friends and neighbours, they are volunteers ……they are YOU!

New Volunteer